Yesterday, Kailee wanted to be fed every hour! She can't seem to sleep or doesn't want to sleep! Yaya and I were tired from pacifying Kailee - good thing when my friend Kath & Denz came, she fell right to sleep while we were chatting away.
Kailee slept very well last night, only waking up every two to three hours to be nursed. This was a good sign.
I was so uneasy yesterday - because I didn't know what to do!! I felt so bad for Kailee because I knew she was sleepy, but just couldn't seem to sleep!! She was reall fussy!!
But today, she was a good baby - she slept and ate and slept. No fussy-ness, no shrieking cries!
My Panget and I had to leave for a while to go to a designer's fitting. I asked my mom to come by to watch Kailee - I had prepared for them two bottles with 2oz of breastmilk each - just in case Kailee gets hungry. But before we left, I was still able to nurse her - I just had to stop nursing because we had to leave.
Thirty minutes later - I get a text message from my mom saying that Kailee finished the first bottle in three minutes! Then after a while, I get another message saying that the second bottle was consumed in five minute and it was a good thing that after the second bottle - Kailee fell asleep!
My mom was worried that after the second bottle, Kailee was still hungry! Good thing she wasn't, but when I got home - when I saw Kailee, she instantly cried and wanted to nurse. My mom said that Kailee might have smelled my scent - thus she knew mommy was home!!
When I look at Kailee, I can't help but smile - she's the cutest thing! And I am much more happy when I see how my mom and my Panget fall in love with Kailee every time they see her. Its a different feeling seeing them like this!
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